Monday, March 3, 2014

One Quilt Top Started and Finished

Being the Route 66 fan that I am, I have many Route 66 themed fabrics and ideas for several quilts.  I am working on one quilt that has embroidered blocks - that will take a bit to finish.  I have another idea for one that will feature actual pictures I have taken along the Mother Road.  That one will take a bit to make.  And then there is the special one with the rusty old trucks along Route 66...and that one will take a bit to design. 

So two weekends ago, I got tired of having the "perfect" place on my living room wall for a Route 66 quilt wallhanging and decided to piece one.  I cut it out and started piecing it that weekend and finished piecing it this weekend.  And here it is ....

TaDa !!!  Done.  Finished.  Finally.  Oh crap, I still have to quilt it.  OK - almost finished.
~ Kat

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Wonky Modern Bday Cake Quilt

For each of my sisters' certain "significant" birthday, I made the sister a quilt (or two).  Mary was first - she received a small wallhanging of a birthday cake with stitch 'n flip roses (a la Jean Wells) as the cornerstones - and everyone who attended the party signed that quilt.  Then she also received a bigger throw size quilt with a Moon Over Mountain design (also a la Jean Wells - love her, so does Mary).  So, Mary returned the gesture and made me a small wallhanging of a birthday cake with Kaffe Fassett fabrics - it is wonky and modern and Kaffe - ahhhhh!  My family and friends have signed it, or soon will, then it will be quilted.  I love it !!!   Thanks and BBH to Mary !!!

Plan to publish more tomorrow since we are, once AGAIN, having a winter storm come in tonight!  Please, make it stop!!!
~ Kat 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's My Party! Let's Celebrate!

Yep - this is it!  The big 5-0!  I turned 50 this month.  My family came to town for a family birthday party on Saturday.  They did an amazing job of making it especially "me" - bright colors, flowers.

yes, this is the cake - from Sweet Sisters Bakery in Norman, OK

OK - and a little jab at the age...but not bad.
Great day!
~ Kat

Sunday, February 2, 2014

It is Snowing - AGAIN !!!

OK - I don't know how many snows we have had this winter in Oklahoma - I usually don't have to count past two!  But, alas, it is snowing...AGAIN.  What is even more incredible is that we have a 100% chance again on Tuesday and 80-90% chance on Thursday, Friday AND Saturday!  The Super Snow Bowl some were hoping for is going to happen, just not in New Jersey - it is going to happen right here in my living room for me.

snow just starting at 8am

this is all we were supposed to get today - a dusting

really coming down now
Today I can enjoy my quilting, inside my warm house with a fire going, watching the beautiful snow fall, enjoying the Super Bowl commercials later!  Lord, I am so grateful for this wonderful day! 

Tomorrow...well, it is back to work, driving on the slick streets, praying to make it back home in decent condition (both me and my car)!  Lord, I am so grateful that I have a good job, a reliable car, money to buy more fabric, and your protective spirit watching over me!

~ Kat

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cold Weather - Soup is On !

With the cold weather moving in once again, I was in the mood for soup tonight.  My sister had made me one quilted soup bowl potholder and sent me the pattern and materials for a second one for Christmas. 
Bowl made for me by my sister
So while the soup was simmering, I was sewing.  When both were ready, we sat down and enjoyed our Fiesta soup in our bowls held comfortably and kept warm by the soup bowl potholders!

Love them !!!!  Thanks Sis!
~ Kat

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Little House and Rose Wilder

Rose Wilder Lane is the only child of Laura Ingalls Wilder and her husband Almanzo Wilder.  I have been to the house in Mansfield, Missouri where Rose grew up and where Laura wrote the Little House books (though actually it is known now that Rose had a huge part in the writing of those books).  Rose went on to become a pretty famous writer in her own rite. 

Susan Wittig Albert writes the China Bayles herb shop mysteries that I like so much.  She also writes the Darling Dahlia series, which I really like too.  So I was pleasantly surprised to find this on the library shelf.

It is a faction novel, fiction made from mostly facts, about Rose Wilder Lane.  I am loving it too.  If you are a Little House fan, you might want to look this one up.

~ Kat

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Another Teapot ... from Hooo ?

I love teapots!  I love tea!  My very cool hubby bought me this teapot after Christmas from Cracker Barrel. 

He is a cutey.  Oh, and so is the teapot owl! :)  Getting a little collection going here - teapots, not hubbys.

~ Kat